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Perse Fresh Minerals Pressed Mineral Foundation

Perse Fresh Minerals Pressed Mineral Foundation

Regular price $22.99
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Available in: Fresh Porcelain | Fresh Golden Light | Fresh Beige Medium | Fresh Natural Medium | Fresh Honey Medium | Fresh Deep Tawny | Fresh Ivory | Fresh Natural Beige | Fresh Cool Medium

How to Use It:

  1. 1. clean your face so that you have a clean surface to work with
  2. 2. apply a lotion to keep your face hydrated
  3. 3. add a primer if you wish - these help keep a barrier between your makeup and your face
  4. 4. ensure that your face is dry and the lotion and primer have all soaked in before applying the foundation or it will create streaks
  5. 5. Load a brush with the foundation and begin applying it to your face using small circular motions

Example video of how to apply pressed mineral foundation:

Who should use it?

Pressed mineral foundation is great for every skin type! So anyone can use it.

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