Classes and Events

You can purchase online or in store once exact date is posted link will show on class tab” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%23dd3333″ google_fonts=”font_family:Alegreya%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”>
This class will give you the basic and knowledge or FX prosthetic application. You will learn different products and makeup to help create the best seams and edges on your application. Small prosthetic will be provided for class. Please bring a model if you do not want to apply on yourself.

Taught by Megan Smith

1.5 hour class $50

October 7th, 2022



This is a 1.5 hour class by our talented makeup artist Megan. She is an amazing makeup artist is excited to have some fun with bright colors and of course glitter.

This class will show you different techniques and applications for neons in cream and aqua color as well as the best ways to apply lasting glitter.

August 25th


$35 cost

At our Provo center street location.


This class will give you tips on how to perfectly lay a crepe hair beard. Helping you learn the special techniques on the difficult skill. Class will include kit with crepe hair, spirit gum and remover.

1.5 hour makeup Class

$40 registration

Provo Location